TSE 2001 - The Pictures

A. 2nd Contact: Diamond Ring & Prominences B. Inner Corona & Prominences
C. Corona & Prominences D. 3rd Contact: Bailey's Beads
E. Prominences & eruptive matter (Single Frame) F. Prominences & eruptive matter (Double Stacking)


   Total Solar Eclipse, 21 June 2001, Chisamba (Zambia) 14.50.2' S, 28.01.092' E.
   Pictures (A B C D) are raw video-frames grabbed from a hi-res digital video
   made through an apochromatic refractor (Astro-Physics EDL 92.5mm f/4.9)
   a-focally coupled to a Sony DV TRV-900 3CCD PAL camera.
       FEQ : ca.1650mm
       f/eq. :16-22
       Resolution : ca.135 linee/mm
       Shutter speed : 1/1000" (1/10.000" for frame D)
   Pictures (E F) are scanned from a Velvia 50 slide
   taken through an apochromatic refractor (Takahashi FS-60c 355mm f/5.9)
   which was modified to accept 2" eyepieces and then
   coupled with a TeleVue Powermate 4x, and a Nikon F4s
   + DW-21 6x High Mag Finder + photomicrography focussing screen M.
       FEQ : ca.1500mm
       f/eq. : 25
       Resolution : ca.180 linee/mm
       Shutter speed : 1/60"
       Slide : Velvia 50



© 2001, Massimiliano Lattanzi